The New York Times
The New York Times has announced it was disbanding its award-winning sports department and drawing its sports coverage from The Athletic, the digital entity with three million subscribers it bought last year for $550 million. Credit: REUTERS/Jeenah Moon

I’m old, and I have no idea how that happened.

One minute I’m driving with my father from New York to Florida to begin my first full-time newspaper job with the Miami Herald, one of the largest and most prestigious papers in the country. Next thing I know, 43 years slipped away, Dad’s gone, and I’m tapping out this story for a non-profit website in my home office overlooking an alley in Minneapolis.

Times change. Things happen.

Sometimes you end up where you never expected. But throughout my long career in journalism, one thing never varied: Questionable business decisions by the people who ran newspapers and news websites. If there’s a bad move to be made, they’ll make it, jeopardizing careers and livelihoods while forcing readers to find their information elsewhere.

The latest baffling developments dropped on consecutive days last week. First the Los Angeles Times, which plans to close its printing plant next year after selling the land to developers, announced it will no longer print game stories, box scores and standings in the paper due to earlier deadlines. (They’ll still be available on the L.A. Times website and app.) Instead, readers will see “more innovative reporting,” profiles, investigations and columns, according to a company statement.

The next day, The New York Times announced it was disbanding its award-winning sports department and drawing its sports coverage from The Athletic, the digital entity with three million subscribers it bought last year for $550 million.

Why should you care if you don’t live in L.A. or New York, don’t like sports and don’t subscribe to either paper? Because this kind of shortsightedness could be coming to a paper near you.

Recently retired Star Tribune publisher Mike Klingensmith didn’t originate this saying, but it’s still true: Newspapers are a habit. Once you get in the habit of buying and reading one every day, it stays with you. But if your favorite newspaper decides it’s more important to save money than service its readers – say, by cutting back on daily print editions, or outsourcing home delivery to a contractor who isn’t reliable – the habit is easily broken, and those customers aren’t coming back. That’s why Klingensmith insisted the Strib publish seven days a week throughout his tenure, even as daily circulation plummeted from 334,000 in 2009 to 91,920 today.

The Strib isn’t alone here; virtually all U.S. newspapers suffered similar dramatic declines. The Strib still ranks seventh nationally in circulation, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. But the loss of circulation and advertising revenue is a problem felt acutely by sports departments everywhere, especially here in the Twin Cities.

Sports travel is a major expense in newsrooms, and the rising cost of air fares, hotels and meals on the road has become problematic. Papers coast to coast have trimmed travel budgets or eliminated travel entirely. Eight New York area papers used to make every road trip with the Yankees; now it’s down to three or four.

At the Strib, covering two Olympics seven months apart exacerbated the issue, according to sports editor Chris Carr. (Disclosure: My wife, Rachel Blount, is the Strib’s Olympics writer). Now, Carr said, sports can’t blow through its annual budget, as it did last year, and expect management to smile and cover the overruns.

That’s why the Strib’s pro beat writers no longer make every road trip with the Twins, Wild and Timberwolves, and the paper sent fewer people on the road with the Vikings last fall than it used to. The Pioneer Press (PP), owned by vulture hedge fund giant Alden Global Capital, picks its spots as well. Sports editor Tad Reeve says PP writers stopped going on the road with the Timberwolves (for the most part) and Gopher men’s basketball, and the paper often skips West Coast trips on other beats because the games rarely make the print edition.

When the Twins played a key series in Baltimore shortly before the All-Star Break, Betsy Helfand of the PP was the only beat writer there. The Strib, The Athletic and didn’t go. Strib beat writer Phil Miller wrote game stories off the television broadcast, with the Strib noting he wasn’t in Baltimore. Not optimal, but unavoidable with today’s economic pressures.

“I think it’s the new normal,” Carr said.

“Covering sports in this non-stop market with the ambition level we want to bring to this job for our readers has become quite expensive … The economics of daily journalism over the last couple of years has made it so that exceeding budgets in the newsroom just can’t happen anymore, not here. I’d be surprised to find a place in mid-2023 where exceeding the newsroom budget was OK,” said Carr.

Some of the savings goes toward special assignments, Carr said, like Wolves writer Chris Hine’s recent trip to cover the NBA Summer League in Las Vegas.

“We’ll have to make some tough decisions,” Carr said. “But thankfully with this staff, I’m optimistic we can continue to make this work.”

At least Carr still has a staff. The NYT’s decision to scatter its sports writers and editors among other departments in September caps a decade of curious decisions that made the section less relevant and interesting to many readers. (More discloser: I was a NYT freelance contributor – a “stringer” in industry parlance – out of the Midwest from 2002 to 2021. Though never on the full-time staff, I wrote often enough for some colleagues and readers to think I was).

Few New Yorkers bought the NYT for sports. The tabloid Daily News and Post provided much more comprehensive daily coverage and commentary, with an edge found only in a city that lives hard and moves fast. You read the NYT for world and national news, politics and the arts; sports was secondary.

But that doesn’t mean the sports section wasn’t good, and didn’t break news. It was, and did. Pulitzer Prizes rarely go to sports writers, but Arthur Daley, Red Smith and Dave Anderson each won for commentary and John Branch for feature writing. (Branch nearly won another Pulitzer for a series on the life and death of drug-addled Wild brawler Derek Boogaard, a story  story no one locally pursued with the same zeal).  NYT Sports took on big issues and themes in a thoughtful, influential way, from concussions in the NFL to sexism at Augusta National Golf Club.

But it also covered all the New York pro beats, at least until 2017 or so, when it refocused on soccer, tennis, the Olympics and esoteric sports in pursuit of worldwide digital subscriptions. Some readers loved it; traditionalists didn’t. In the intervening years, many longtime sports staffers retired, left the paper or transferred to other departments.

Now, it seems, the NYT seeks a return to more traditional coverage via The Athletic, which goes heavy into soccer as well. We’ll see how that works out. The Athletic has never made money – it lost about $36 million last year and another $7.8 million in the first quarter of 2023, per the NYT – and more layoffs may be ahead.

Back here in the Twin Cities, Carr and Reeve feel for their friends and colleagues in New York and L.A. There’s a palpable sense of loss, with a fear of what’s ahead for the industry.

“I was really sorry to hear the L.A. Times and N.Y. Times news,” Reeve said. “Very sad for the business. And very worrisome, too.”

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  1. I see your point, but it seems that locally the Athletic has sucked up very good talent for their coverage: Russo on hockey, Krazinski on BB, Gleeman on baseball. I upgraded my NYT subscription a level to get the Athletic and food coverage. Are more time and energy being devoted to sports coverage now than ever before? ESPN with Seifert on the Vikings…

  2. Sports are important, especially to a certain sub-demographic of readers.

    But the real tragedy for our country, and even for our society more generally, is the fierce cutbacks in staffing the actual NEWS coverage by the NYTimes (it’s become more or less a feature magazine with some great national-politics remainders/reminders of what used to be) and by our local Star Tribune and St. Paul paper.

    I really don’t think our democracy will stand or fall depending on how much coverage is devoted to soccer or baseball, or luge at the Olympics.

    But when all the political news we get at the local level is an occasional who’s-winning-the-fundraising-stakes reporting (when an easy-to-cover press release can simply be paraphrased), and no coverage of what goes on in the actual corridors of the city or county, then we’ve got trouble. Lots of crime reporting in the Strib, if what you want are brief press releases about violence in Fargo or Duluth, rather than what’s happening in the Twin Cities. Aside from the rare “deep investigative” feature on hospitals or nursing homes or ignored rape cases, the Strib has very little local news coverage. Anyone but me noticing?

    I also worry about leeches, who feed off our local paper’s news expenses, for free, to send summaries or links out to their own readers. It’s expensive to be a subscriber to the daily and Sunday Star Tribune. But if nobody subscribes, are we going to continue to have a local paper? Don’t think so.

  3. I subscribe to The Athletic, but for its local writers, not its national coverage (which borders on clickbait outside of a couple of notable writers like Keith Law and John Hollinger). Unfortunately for the NYT, that’s probably the most expensive part of the operation. But if they cut writers like Michael Russo, Joe Smith, Aaron Gleeman, Jon Krawczynski, and Jeff Reuter, then I will simply take my subscription dollars elsewhere.

  4. Frankly, newspapers cutting sports coverage is perhaps the least alarming media trend.

  5. “Some of the savings goes toward special assignments, Carr said, like Wolves writer Chris Hine’s recent trip to cover the NBA Summer League in Las Vegas”

    You’re on a limited budget and you choose to spend a chunk of it on the least consequential sports activity of the year. Good call.

  6. I can’t speak for any business decisions, but to the extent our media spends less time preoccupied with sports and athletes we’re all the better for it. From the public money we dump into billionaire sports franchises to the inordinate amount of time wasted celebrating games and people who play them as if they’re foundation of civilization; enough is enough, and any decision to dial that back is a healthy development.

    As for Borzi’s business advice, I would simply point out the fact that doubling and tripling down on all things sports hasn’t saved newspapers and newsrooms from decline in the last two decades so I’m not sure why he thinks they’re some kind of salvation now. Yes, we can see why a former all sports all the time Strib guy would recoil in horror from the specter of reduced sports coverage, but this is hardly dispassionate analysis. One of the reasons Minnpost and the Minnesota Reformer are my first go-to news sites in the morning is their near ZERO levels of sports coverage. A while back Minnpost seemed to be playing with some ramped up sports coverage and that just amounted to one less article I would read on the site. Anyways, I think the NYT’s and the LA Post are exactly correct to observe that the sports “news” and information people want is more readily available now in other venues and apps.

    1. Mr. Udstrand is certainly entitled to his opinion, though I’m not sure where he’s coming from when he calls me “a former all sports all the time Strib guy.” For the record, I’ve never been a sports staffer for the Star Tribune. Must be confusing me with someone else.

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