Poster Child

from Barataria – The work of Erik Hare

“If there’s one thing that movements like Occupy Wall Street need, it’s a poster child. You know, a person or company that exhibits everything bad about the system as we know it and can stand as an example for why we need more regulation and public control.  Someone like …  (drumroll) …

MF Global, the perfect poster child for ‘Party like it’s 2007′ bad behavior.”

The Guilt in Providing Cover

“NBA beat reporter Kate Fagan is ashamed of once covering up a scandal at her revered alma mater’s sports program when she was an athlete at Colorado University. Kate is coming ‘out’ on her role in this cover-up because she’s appalled by the Penn State case.”

A Veterans Day for Veterans

from Ripple In Stillwater

“If we are to set aside one day a year to honor veterans and call it Veterans Day, why are we giving the day off to nonveterans?”

The sun over State College


“However, 45 years of excellence was trumped this week. In Joe’s case trumped not by what he did do, but by what he chose not to do. He chose not to do everything in his power to see to it that a sexual predator was removed from ever being in a position to hurt a kid again.”

Clark wins Steelworkers nod, Anderson talks hunting in MN-8

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