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My Terror, Not His

from TC Jewfolk by Guest Post
As the teacher explained the horror of the Holocaust, the words I remember running through my head over and over were “I think I’m too young to know about this.” But I didn’t say them aloud.

Recess Bully

from Mr. Dilettante’s Neighborhood by Mr. D
So Barack Obama went nuclear on the recess appointments yesterday, naming four people to various positions within government while the Senate was technically not in session:

Christians for A Moral America

from Good as Gay by Jacob Woods
I was thoroughly disappointed in the blog series on Christians for a Moral America talking about homosexuality. It fails completely to address the moral abominations and detestable behaviors that all lesbians perform.

Why Obama Wins

from Theoblogy by Tony Jones

Here’s why:

  • Evangelicals* won’t vote for a woman (see Michele Bachmann)
  • Evangelicals won’t vote for a Catholic (Santorum)
  • Evangelicals won’t vote for a Mormon (Romney)
  • No one else will vote for Perry, ensuring Romney the nomination
  • Thus, in the general election, evangelicals will stay home because they’ll be unmotivated by their choice (Romney)

Iowa Caucus: Don’t forget the media’s role in all of this

from Brick City Blog by seanolsen

Lost in all the post-Iowa hubbub about who’s up and who’s down, who’s in and who’s out is the very real discussion of how the media has taken a confab of 120,000 largely white and rural voters and blown it up into an all-consuming every four years ritual that goes a long way in determining who the next President might be.

Shelter Report: Iowa and the Day Center Caucus.

from Across the Great Divide by charlieq

In the world inhabited by the Republican presidential candidates I listened to last night, there’s no room for people who don’t “take responsibility” and master the universe without any help from others — especially the government.

Vikings Extend Lead in Most Arrested Players Competition

from The Deets – Ed Kohler’s Blog by Ed Kohler

Back in October 2011, the Vikings pulled into first place among NFL teams for player arrests. Previous to that, they were tied for first place with the Cincinnati Bengals.

Sen. David Senjem May Be Worth $4.6 Million to Canterbury Park

from The Deets – Ed Kohler’s Blog by Ed Kohler

How so? Based on the spike in Canterbury Park’s stock price (Ticker: CPHC) in the day following Senjem’s promotion to MN Senate Majority leader, it looks like Senjem is a $4.6 million man.

Vikings to Arden Hills? XXX – Another Deadline, and This Time We’re Serious, Really

from Mr. Dilettante’s Neighborhood by Mr. D
We haven’t talked about the stadium in a few days and because there’s an artificial news cycle to be fed, Mark Dayton has issued yet another deadline. If you think you’ve heard this before, let not your heart be troubled for he assures us, this time it’s serious:

File-Sharing Is Now a Religion

from Theoblogy by Tony Jones

Sweden has granted The Church of Kopism, a religion based on file-sharing, official status.  Does that make BitTorrent a mega-church?


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