Synagogues and Jewish organizations plan a March 4 rally to encourage voters to defeat the proposed state constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage.

Sponsored by Jewish Community Action, the 2 p.m. rally will be held at Adath Jeshurun Congregation, 10500 Hillside Lane W., Minnetonka.

The goal is to “bring together Jewish people from diverse traditions and perspectives to promote understanding and take action on social and economic justice issues in Minnesota.”

Organizers say there will be:

  •  Guest speakers sharing personal stories about why they care — as Jews and Minnesotans
  •  Study of Jewish texts with local rabbis to provide a Jewish context to this issue
  •  Congregants and activists presenting strategies to mobilize others to defeat this amendment.

Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker, of Mount Zion Temple, said in a statement:

“… we are challenged to apply both our experience and our belief to members of our community who have endured hate speech, bullying and violence, and legal prejudice based not on their religion or ethnic background, but on their sexual or gender identity.”

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  1. Ah HA!

    Well it’s clear that Mount Zion Temple *must* have it’s tax exempt status revoked immediatly, right?


  2. Don’t be misled

    Don’t think for a moment that Jewish Community Action, a left wing organization, represents Judaism any more than Adath Jeshurun and Temple Israel represent normative Judaism and an accurate representation of halakha.

    They do not.

    Mr. Kimball did not use the qualifiers of “Reform”, “Conservative”, or “left wing”, which would have made this “article” more credible as a source of objective information. He could have also asked the sponsors of this “rally” if any opposing viewpoints will be represented.

    I can only imagine what will happen if one or more of us Jews who oppose their novel views on halakha shows up. The invective will be thrown at us like we were opposing a BDS resolution.

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