Former Minneapolis City Council member Robert Lilligren has taken over as interim President and CEO of the Little Earth of United Tribes Housing Corporation.

Lilligren, a member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe, had served 12 years on the council before he was defeated last year by Abdi Warsame.

Little Earth is a 212-unit housing complex on nince acres, with almost 1,000 residents.

Lilligren started the new job this week, and said in a statement:

“Little Earth is the heart and soul of the American Indian Community in Minneapolis. The success of Little Earth and its residents is critical to the success of the Native Community here, and really to the entire city of Minneapolis.”

Syd Beane, Little Earth board chair, said of Lilligren: “He has a long history of successfully promoting equity for American Indian people and other underserved communities and we know he’ll serve the people of Little Earth well.”

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