State Sen. Alice Mann is usually accompanied by a file box filled with information about paid family leave and her bill.
State Sen. Alice Mann is usually accompanied by a file box filled with information about paid family leave and her bill. Credit: Senate Media Services/A.J. Olmscheid

Sen. Alice Mann says she knew her No. 1 priority for the 2023 session was going to take up a lot of her time. Senate File 2 would create an insurance program for paid family and medical leave that would put Minnesota in league with 11 other states that have pioneered the coverage.

Mann said she purposefully introduced fewer bills and took on fewer other issues to give herself time because of what she said she knew would be a “heavy lift.”

She underestimated.

“I have anywhere from one meeting to four or five in one day regarding this bill,” the Edina DFLer said.  “If I’m not meeting about the bill, I’m rewriting language, meeting with Senate Counsel, meeting with the fiscal staff to get the language right.”

SF2 has been before eight Senate committees with one still to go — the vital Finance Committee that will consider how much the program will cost, how high the employer-employee shared premiums will be and which employers might be exempted from paying the fees.

Is it worth it? In an interview last week, the emergency room physician said yes.

“This issue encompasses so many other issues, right?” she said.  “We know that when people have paid time off, whether it’s when a new baby comes or when they’re ill, or when a family member’s ill, that paid time off keeps families economically stable, people stay on their feet,” Mann said. In the states that have already adopted coverage there is less reliance on government services.

“The health benefits are incredible,” Mann said. We’re seeing kids with less ear infections, less (gastrointestinal) infections, less pneumonia, less clinic visits, less hospitalizations. We’re seeing moms do better during prenatal care and postpartum, both mentally and physically.”

Other health benefits are longer breastfeeding of infants, less use of nursing homes and less dependence on childcare.

“This program touches all of those things. That’s why it’s important for me,” she said. Mann, usually accompanied by a file box filled with information about the issue and her bill, often starts her testimony the same way.

“Out of almost 200 countries, the U.S. is one of seven that does not offer such a paid leave program,” she told the Senate Jobs and Economic Development Committee. “The U.S. is certainly the only industrialized country without such a policy in place.”

[image_credit]Bureau of Labor Statistics[/image_credit]
[image_credit]Bureau of Labor Statistics[/image_credit]
It is important to the DFL majorities in the House and Senate, as indicated by the bill numbers assigned — Senate File 2 and House File 2. Only the bill codifying abortion rights received a lower number.

Walz, too, has made this a top item on his agenda.

“We know that when we do this, it is not only morally the right thing to do, economically it is the right thing to do,” Walz told a packed rally in the rotunda last month. And he reminded the attendees of the reason this bill has a chance this session when it didn’t in the past — the DFL trifecta produced by the 2022 election.

“You might have noticed, things are getting done around here,” Walz said. “We kind of became accustomed to, you would come here and you’d have a list of things that were well thought out and would improve people’s lives, and they would treat it like a wish list. ‘Isn’t that nice. Isn’t that cute.’

“Those days are over,” he said. “That list is a to-do list and we’re checking it off.”

Leah Riley, a Rochester hospitality worker, along with her son, Riley Altom, rallied for Paid Family & Medical Leave in the Capitol Rotunda earlier this month.
[image_credit]MinnPost photo by Tom Olmscheid[/image_credit][image_caption]Leah Riley, a Rochester hospitality worker, along with her son, Riley Altom, rallied for Paid Family & Medical Leave in the Capitol Rotunda.[/image_caption]
Because it will take some time to set up the program and for premiums to collect enough to cover benefits, Walz and the DFL legislative leaders have agreed to draw $668 million from the surplus to front-load the program. Premiums will start being collected, and benefits will start being paid, on July 1, 2025.

Separate bills would create a statewide sick leave requirement, allowing all workers to earn one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Up to 48 hours of paid sick leave could be accumulated and it tracks local ordinances passed in St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and Bloomington.

Bill back-and-forth

Mann served a single term in the House in 2019 and 2020 but did not seek a second term. She  then ran for and won a seat in the Senate last November. In addition to a medical degree, she has a master’s in public health. She moved with her family at age 8 from Brazil to Richfield.

But the bulk of the pushback Mann has received is not about the benefits of the program but its cost. Mann cites both the family and medical leave act coverage and post-delivery leave laws were introduced as paid leave programs but were passed only after they became unpaid.

Mann said she wishes more time was spent talking about the positive impacts on women’s health than on costs.

“We have all these programs that are meant to help  families, financially and physically and emotionally and medically. And we don’t talk about those things,” she said. “And you can see, even in our hearings, the vast majority of the conversation is how will businesses do? And we miss the point of this program in the first place entirely,” she said.

“The rest of the world does this, the rest of the world. And so for us to say, this cannot be done, it’s just a false statement,” Mann said. “I understand the fear, but these fears are unfounded.”

“For the average Minnesotans, about a cup of coffee a week is what we’re asking,” Mann said of the premiums.

She also makes the argument that while many employers do offer some form of paid leave for pregnancy and to care for family members who are injured or become sick, they tend to be larger employers and the benefits tend to be for workers who are in higher-wage positions. Making the program universal will allow small businesses to compete with large companies.

The bill does allow employers that offer paid leave, including via union contracts, to opt out of the state program. But they must have benefits equal to or greater than what would be provided under the state insurance plan.

Lauryn Schothorst manages workplace management and workforce development for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. She has been trying to make the case with the House and Senate that the paid leave bill is well intentioned but unworkable. Despite some amendments regarding smaller businesses, caps on the payroll tax and the duration of benefits, she said it is “foundationally and fundamentally the same as it was at introduction.

“The big concerns that we’ve had along the way relate to expansiveness, expensiveness, solvency and the one-size-fits all nature of it. But also how it positions our state against other states in competitiveness,” Schothorst said. The chamber argues that other states with paid leave are less generous. And none are in the Midwest, she said, though Michigan, another state with a recent Democratic power trifecta, is considering it.

Schothorst also said she is concerned with the fiscal analysis of the bill — or lack of one. What are called fiscal notes are assessments by legislative staff of the costs of legislation. The fiscal note for SF2 was commissioned before some changes were made, including exempting some small businesses from the premiums, creating a fund to help small businesses that have multiple workers on leave at the same time.

The fiscal note says that the payroll tax will still be 0.7%, divided between worker and employer. But the assumptions about use of the program — how many will apply for benefits, what their weekly benefits might be and how many weeks they will draw benefits are — determine the required tax rate.

Schothorst said she thinks the Legislature will need to draw more from the surplus to get the program going, perhaps as much as $1 billion. She also said that an addendum to the fiscal note to determine how much the program will cost cities and counties, and in turn their taxpayers, is pending.

John Reynolds, the state director for the National Federation of Independent Business, said he too has questions about the fiscal note.

The state’s estimates about program cost are opaque, but it seems really clear the program will cost a lot more than people are expecting,” Reynolds said. “If our experience is closer to those states, the program costs will explode. Small employers will face a much higher payroll tax – possibly closer to 1.2% or 1.4% instead of 0.7% – on top of significant workforce and administrative challenges.”

The chamber knows how important paid leave is to the DFL and has heard the promises of Walz and legislative leadership that it will pass.

“Very clearly from the start of session there was a commitment by the governor and House and Senate leadership that this was a priority and they were going to get it done,” she said. “But the details do matter. And as the legislative session has moved forward, a lot of issues have become more understood. Our concerns haven’t changed.”

The chamber prefers GOP bills, such as Senate File 463 by Sen. Julia Coleman of Waconia, that would create state tax credits to help employers purchase private family leave insurance policies. Those bills have not received Senate hearings.

The bills have broad support among unions as well as worker rights and social justice organizations. The Mainstreet Alliance, a progressive small business organization, also supports the bills.

The fiscal analysis is being revised due to changes made since it was first commissioned, but as of now the new coverage will require a premium equal to 0.7% of wages, divided equally between the employer and the employee. Once fully up and running, the payroll tax is expected to collect $1.5 billion a year.

“The tax rate should stay where it is,” Mann said. She did agree to amend the bill to hire an independent actuary to assess the financial elements of the proposal — administrative costs, benefits and premiums – to assure that it will balance. But approval of the program will likely come this session and adjustments made if necessary in subsequent sessions or even the next Legislature.

Like unemployment insurance, benefits would be paid weekly and be based on the employee’s pay (bill summary here). Benefits would last for 12 weeks for an employee’s own serious health condition, including pregnancy, and 12 weeks to care for a family member, including a new child. The bill has been amended to cap at 20 weeks the amount of leave someone could take using both. The experience in the other states is that most workers don’t take the entire leave allowed, partly because the benefits only partly reimburse for lost pay. Depending on the pay level of the worker, reimbursement could range from 90% to 55% with lower-paid workers receiving the higher replacement rate.

Unlike employer provided paid leave, the proposed program is portable. That is it follows workers from job to job. And one of the design elements is to have as many people included in the pool as possible to share costs. The fiscal analysis estimates that about 200,000 employees might be using the benefit in any year.

The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that only about 25% of workers in the U.S. have access to paid family leave and that number doesn’t change by the type of workplace — 24% for private sector employees, 25 percent for federal workers and 27% for state and local workers. A survey of Minnesota chamber members reported that 80% offer some type of paid medical and family leave.

Eleven other states have similar paid leave programs running. At least four others are considering legislation. The 71-page Minnesota bill is on its seventh engrossment, meaning it has undergone enough changes that it has been written through that many times — a number just one shy of an equally complex recreational marijuana bill. But while recreational marijuana has opponents, paid family and medical leave has weighty opponents — the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the National Federal of Independent Business and long-term-care providers who rely on state reimbursement payments to cover payroll costs. And it has some normally DFL-friendly groups asking hard questions about affordability including the state’s local governments and school districts.

Mann said the 2023 Legislature is pushing for large increases in funding for schools.

“We’re making historic investments in education,” she said. That includes closing what is known as the special education cross subsidy which now has local districts making up for the shortage of funds from the state and local governments. The same is happening with money for the English language learners program. And the increases in the funding formula that provides the bulk of school funding could be in the 5% a year range. School districts should consider that when they decide whether to support the paid leave plan.

“It all comes as a package,” she said.

The Legislature is taking its Easter/Passover break and will return Tuesday. It moves then into passage of budget bills in order to get them into House-Senate negotiations over any differences. Then, bills like paid family leave should reach the floors, sometime after mid-April. The regular session ends May 22.

Is there a friendly competition between Mann and prime House sponsor, Rep. Ruth Richardson, DFL-Mendota Heights, to be first?

“It doesn’t matter to me whether we go first or not,” Mann said. “I will continue to do the work on my side like I’ve been doing, and it is what it is.”

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  1. The Nanny State personified. While conservatives warn against it, the left embraces it. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

  2. Time to panic…. When politicians say it will cost the average taxpayer “a cup of coffee a week”, grab your wallet and run. They are going to “draw 668 Million” from state surplus, no they are taking money from the surplus and it will be double what they claim. As I’ve stated numerous times, the surplus will go away now that the “pandemic” is over and the Federal government won’t be giving out Billions in relief funds. The program however will stay whether or not it works and taxpayers will fund it forever. That “cup of coffee” soon becomes a steak dinner and hotel expenses for a weekend.

    1. I remember when Hubert Humphrey stood on the floor of the US Senate and vowed that this new thing called “Medicare” would never cost more than $100 million or he would eat the paper it was written on. (In 2021, Medicare spending totaled $689 billion and accounted for 10% of the federal budget.)

      1. That never happened. Hubert Humphrey was Vice President when the bill that became Medicare was introduced. He did not speak on the Senate floor.

  3. Just another one of many tax increases on the poor and middle class.

    Many followers of the DFL actually believe that taxing businesses is a way to avoid taxing taxpayers. Of course, there are some in the DFL who know the truth, but their uneducated constituency are easy to misinform.

    Did the DFL run for election on all these tax increases?

    Maybe there is some enterprising journalist in MN who can find a DFL candidates who ran for election on all these tax and fee increases. I think that would be great for our democracy.

    1. Yep. Increase the size of government, spend billions of surplus dollars from over taxed citizens while raising fees and sales taxes on the same people will see no real or meaningful tax relief.
      Totally predictable.

  4. “The rest of the world does this, the rest of the world.” But Minnesota would be one of 11 states and the only one in the midwest, and as proposed would offer higher benefits than any other state.

  5. So a bill is being run through without any knowledge of the financial impact. Just because it is a well intentioned thing it doesn’t mean you get to hide what is going on. Even when the financial numbers do come in, since when have they ever been close to accurate? The cost of this is extraordinary. The state has to increase payroll taxes to make it solvent. Just more taxing of everyone that seems to be the DFL way.

  6. Caregiving is work. We are recognizing that paying family members to do this work (through paid leave) is preferable to finding strangers to do that work at the low wages the state offers for caregivers.

  7. Minnesota needs this for workers and for the overall health of all Minnesotans. Will there be bumps? I’m confident there will be, however everyone, regardless of the job they hold, should not have to choose between their ability to earn a living and caring for themselves or their family.

    1. Why? People have been making that choice since the beginning of time. My parents and my wife’s parents took care of their parents until they died. My wife and I did the same thing with our parents. My kids will do the same for us. And no one got paid for it. It’s how families do it.

  8. Paid medical leave
    “carbon free” mandates making the cost of electricity higher than neighboring states
    Taxes on social security
    Reluctance to enforce crime

    If a business can leave, it probably will
    If a business is looking for a place for a new branch/factory/expansion, it wont be in MN

    1. Wanna place a wager? (You are one of those “libertarian” types, so surely gambling is right up your alley)

  9. I would expect the financials to also figure in the cost savings to the state and businesses from retaining workers – hiring and training are expensive, especially in this job climate.

    Also, did we really not learn anything from the pandemic? How many cases of covid could have been avoided if sick employees could stay home without worrying about paying for rent and food?

  10. Yep, the louder the &#_+@$+#, the better the policy. It’s really all our resident whiners have left.

  11. I’ve noticed a quirk in the moderation standards here: replying to conservative commenters, including a reply to one’s own reply, is chancy at best (if more of the rightist commenters here knew that, they might not be so quick to complain about liberal bias). Sometimes, original comments fare better, so this is in reply to Mr. Tester:

    If Vice President Humphrey spoke on the Senate floor, it was in private conversations with Senators. It would be – at least – a breach of protocol for the Vice President to speak in any role other than as presiding officer of the Senate. The Congressional Record does not have any record that the speech you mentioned happened, nor do contemporary news accounts mention it.

    1. They’d still complain. Their arguments aren’t based on reality, rationality, equity, or morals. It’s hard to be outraged if there’s nothing to be outraged against. So, they would simply deny the facts. What they get away with posting on a regular basis is astounding enough, but considering it in view of the stuff that *I* know never makes the light of day…

  12. Oh boy! 11 states already have it.

    Those 11 states also have business and higher earners leaving. I wonder why?

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