Most of the young people I’ve spoken with in rural Minnesota don’t easily relate to the people in power where they live. Often the community’s elected leaders are older and strictly male. If you are under 25 in rural Minnesota, we want you to tell us how you view the leadership in your community.

Do the leaders understand the experiences and needs of young people? If you had the power to make any change that would affect the lives of young people in your community, what would it be? How would you describe the leaders in your community? Can you imagine yourself as one of these leaders? Click here to share your answers to any of these questions. No detail is too small.

We’re looking for new contributors for our yearlong project, Rural Minnesota: Generation at the Crossroads. We’ve been posting questions for young people in rural Minnesota all week. Here are some other topics —  we’d love to hear from you!

Crowdsourcing in rural Minnesota

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