Elizabeth Olson of Hutchinson, Minn.
MinnPost photo by Steve Date
Elizabeth Olson of Hutchinson, Minn.

Elizabeth Olson of Hutchinson, Minn., is a 21-year-old dairy farmer and extremely proud of it. As the Minnesota State Fair “Princess Kay of the Milky Way” in 2009, she made a lot of public appearances and became an advocate for not only dairy farmers, but for small town and rural life.  

I spent some time with her at the State Fair a few days ago, following her as she took Etta Mae, her Holstein, through the twice-daily ritual of milking. In this video she teaches us about milking, and talks about the dairy industry, her education and future, and the joys of small-town life.

YouTube video

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  1. Great video… well shot and well edited. You found a terrific advocate and spokesperson for an important segment of our state’s economy. I appreciate her idealism.

  2. I just delivered my daughter to college. When I am introduced to young citizens like Elizabeth and I think of my daughter and her friends, it gives me great hope for the future.

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