Gov. Tim Walz

Gov. Tim Walz and other governors are calling for Congress to adopt another COVID-19 relief bill.
[image_credit]MinnPost photo by Peter Callaghan[/image_credit][image_caption]Gov. Tim Walz plans to ease limits on the number of people who can attend religious services, gyms, sporting events, theaters and pools.[/image_caption]
Gov. Tim Walz said Wednesday he will allow bars and restaurants to serve indoors at half capacity starting Monday, a decision made as state health officials report the spread of COVID-19 has slowed in Minnesota since mid-November.

The governor also plans to ease limits on the number of people who can attend religious services and go to gyms, sporting events, theaters and pools. 

Walz had banned in-house dining and drinking for more than six weeks, along with most social gatherings, as new cases, hospitalizations and deaths spiked. Many hospitals at the time said they were at risk of being overwhelmed with more patients than they could handle.

State data now show 140 people in intensive care with COVID-19, down from a peak of 399 on Dec. 1. The state’s seven-day positive case average, which lags by a week, is 6.5 percent, a sharp decline from a peak of 15.5 percent. That case average even dipped below 5 percent, a threshold the state says signals a concerning level of disease spread, though it has increased for four consecutive days.

MDH says virus transmission is still at a high level in Minnesota and the pandemic is worse than during the summer downturn. The state reported 67 deaths Wednesday and there have been 205 deaths reported so far in January. But Walz said he decided to relax restrictions because Minnesotans heeded calls to follow distancing guidelines and because vaccine distribution is under way. “Because of what everyone has done, we’ve slowed the spread,” Walz said in a televised address Wednesday. He added he hopes the state can continue to shift toward a more normal public life if cases continue to drop and vaccination is successful.

The governor’s rollback of health restrictions, implemented by executive order, come as the Legislature convenes for the 2021 session.

The hospitality industry, Republicans and some Democrats have pushed for Walz to ease his rules as businesses struggle to survive the winter on takeout and delivery orders. And even House Democrats, who have guarded Walz’s ability to continue the emergency powers that give him authority to implement broad public health rules, said Tuesday they were open to tweaking the governor’s abilities.

Here’s what we know about the governor’s executive order, which takes effect Monday:

Bars and restaurants can open with a curfew

Bars and restaurants can serve customers indoors at half capacity — as determined by the fire marshall — on Monday if they follow rules on the number of people at tables and the distance between patrons.

The businesses will have a maximum capacity of 150 people, and can’t serve parties larger than six people at tables or two people at bar seating. Reservations are required for customers and bars and restaurants have to close in-house service by 10 p.m.

Read more on what Minnesota knows about COVID-19 outbreaks in bars and restaurants here.

Indoor entertainment and events can open with attendance limits

Places like movie theaters and museums can open at 25 percent capacity starting Monday, though they also have a maximum limit of 150 people in “each area of the venue,” according to a news release from the governor’s office. 

Those establishments can’t offer food after 10 p.m.

Small wedding and funeral receptions are allowed

The state says people can hold small wedding receptions and other private parties beginning on Monday. Any such event where food and drinks are served can only include people from two households or 10 people indoors and three households or 15 people outside. But if there isn’t food or drinks, they must follow guidelines for indoor and outdoor events. Weddings, funerals or similar ceremonies will follow rules on religious services.

Religious services can host more people

Churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship will continue to have rules limiting attendance to 50 percent capacity, though restrictions that set a maximum capacity of 250 people are being removed starting Monday.

Maximum capacity increased at outdoor events

Maximum capacity at outdoor events and entertainment businesses such as racetracks and performance venues will be increased from 100 people to 250 people starting Monday, as long as physical distancing is maintained. Venues can still only operate at 25 percent capacity, however.

Gyms and fitness centers can have more people in classes

A 25 percent capacity limit remains for gyms and health clubs, though the maximum number of people allowed inside the business will be increased from 100 to 150 and the number of people in exercise classes is bumped up to 25 people — as long as physical distancing is followed. 

People, and exercise machines, have to be 9 feet apart and masks are still required while exercising. Walz’s most recent order required 12 feet of distance between people and machines.

Spectators will be allowed at organized sports

Sports leagues for kids and adults were allowed to start practices with some limitations Jan. 4 and can resume games on Jan. 14 with spectators. Sports arenas have to follow rules on indoor and outdoor venues, meaning indoor buildings can open at 25 percent capacity with a total limit of 150 people in a space.

Mask requirements for athletes remain.

Hospitality industry and Republicans cheer Walz’s latest order

In a statement, the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association applauded Walz for relaxing his restrictions on bars and restaurants. The group’s executive director Tony Chesak said they “appreciate Governor Walz recognizing how seriously our bars and restaurants are taking the pandemic and that keeping our customers and staff members safe is a top priority by turning the dial for indoor dining and service.”

“We will continue to work with the Governor and the Legislature on quick and decisive relief for these struggling businesses,” Chesak said in the written statement. “We are and have been ready to open our doors. Welcome back, Minnesota!”

Liz Rammer, president and CEO of Hospitality Minnesota, said: “Reopening will bring in much-needed revenue at a desperate time for these businesses.”

Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka said in a statement that he’s “glad Governor Walz listened and loosened the restrictions on businesses.”

“Now it’s vitally important Walz manage a faster vaccination process, so we don’t have to go through this again,” Gazelka said. “Protecting the vulnerable with a vaccine is going to the key to reopening.”

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  1. 6 weeks from now we’ll be hearing stories about overwhelmed hospitals state wide. but, hey at least I can go to Applebees for a crappy burger!

  2. More than likely another “dial” back will be necessary in a few weeks but we can watch and wait.

    I think the most important thing everyone needs to know about this re-opening is that bars, restaurants, gatherings, and sports, will NOT be “safe”. COVID is still an contagious killer virus, and that fact has NOT changed. These “guidelines” do NOT make any of these scenarios “safe”, though they may mitigate the risk somewhat. The fact is that public health experts continue to recommend that people avoid these scenarios. The fact that some politicians “allow” some of this activity doesn’t mean it’s safe or a good idea. This is the most important piece of information anyone can share, yet I have never seen it appear in any media report, nor does it appear in this article. If you attend these venues, you do so at your own risk, and the risk of those you may transmit acquired infections to.

    1. We’ll be seeing the results of Christmas and New Years Eve around mid to late January. The next spike might arise from Valentine’s Day (not sure how wedded people are to *needing* to go out for that one, but I’m sure there are some). Then comes March and the St. Patrick’s Day revelers. And so on.

      I despair of the hope that vaccination can catch up with our collective “need” to celebrate.

  3. If you are opening the business on Monday, Why is that a “Safe” opening day? Walz has killed so many bars and grills. Why not allow them to have the opening on Friday? That would have given them an extra 3 days. Mondays are slow days, so he has cost them 4 potential days of money in the bank. A death of 1000 cuts.

    1. Walz did not start the pandemic. He has done everything to curb its impact. It is very clear why it has been as bad as it is. There are a lot of people who value their freedom more than the education of children, livelihoods of small business, health of the population and survival of the elderly. We have shut down twice because irresponsible people who refused basic precautions caught and passed on the disease. Even when members of Congress were fleeing from conservative terrorists, Republican members of Congress refused to wear masks in a small space, with two Democratic members testing positive for COVID a few days later. Now some people say they want the freedom to reject being immunized as well as reject precautions. Those people I call two time losers – except often others are suffering the losses.

  4. Just in time for the 3rd wave with the more contagious UK strain, fantastic.
    Just like with the spanish flu where the industrialists kept the factories open(for war profits) leading to 10 to 20 million deaths

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