If you haven’t already registered for tomorrow’s Nonprofit YPG Discussion, RSVP now!

Join other Twin Cities nonprofit representatives for a conversation on best practices for maintaining a successful young professionals group.

We’ll be meeting at the Midtown YWCA of Minneapolis in rooms 155 and 156.

YWCA Midtown
Courtesy of the YWCA of Minneapolis
YWCA Midtown

If you already have a YPG up and running, come prepared to share something about your YPG that has worked very well — an event, a committee, an activity — and something that has not worked so well.

If you don’t have a YPG running yet, feel free to come with one specific question for the rest of the group to answer.

Hopefully, the conversation will generate new ideas and initiatives for the YPGs around the Metro.

Bring a bag lunch and come with your questions and ideas! Formal discussion will being at noon, but feel free to arrive as early as 11:30 a.m. to network.

Please sign in at the YWCA’s front desk upon arrival. Street meters and a surface lot are available for parking.

If you have questions or would like to offer other topics for discussion, contact Jenny Johnson: jjohnson [at] aeonmn [dot] org.

Time: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2011
Place: YWCA Midtown, 2121 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 55407

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