How much money have Minneapolis & St. Paul City Council candidates raised?

As of early August, candidates in this fall’s elections for Minneapolis City Council had raised a grand total of $1.1 million, according to a MinnPost analysis of campaign finance records.

As of mid-September, St. Paul City Council candidates had spent more than $916,000 on their runs – and collectively still had a quarter-million dollars on hand to spend.

These totals are all several weeks old now as candidates do not report contributions in real-time. But with the next campaign finance update not due out until late October, these totals can help contextualize the news stories and messaging voters are likely to see from the campaign.

A few caveats: The charts below only show candidates who have reported raising or spending money. We have a complete list of candidates in both the Minneapolis and St. Paul council races, including those who haven’t yet filed campaign finance disclosures.

Some candidates – especially the incumbents – have been accruing campaign cash for months, if not more than a year now. But other candidates only filed for office in early August, and it may be a few more weeks before the public can have a look at their campaigns’ finances.

