Become a sustaining member of MinnPost today!

Membership and events coordinator Ashleigh Swenson
Membership and events coordinator
Ashleigh Swenson

Thank you for making MinnPost one of your sources for high-quality, local, independent journalism. But as a member-supported nonprofit organization, we rely on readers like you to provide financial support in addition to loyal readership.

We humbly ask that you vote with your dollars and support MinnPost as a Sustaining Member.

Think about what first brought you to our site — was it the depth of our coverage or analysis by our reporters like Beth Hawkins, Eric Black, and Devin Henry? Our regular features like The Glean, Earth Journal, Cityscape? Participating in our comment threads? Whatever the reason, we’re glad you’re here.

Like public radio and television, MinnPost is a member-supported nonprofit.  More than half of our funding comes directly from about 3,400 individual donors.


Almost a third of our donors are sustaining members. Sustaining members include all those who sign up for automatically recurring donations, as well as loyal supporters who have made a donation for three or more years in a row. MinnPost’s sustainers provide a dependable, ongoing source of funding while reducing administrative costs. That makes every contribution a full investment in the unique and outstanding news coverage you expect and deserve.

We’re pleased to have over 1,100 sustaining members—but we’ve got more work to do. If you haven’t contributed to MinnPost in the past, we urge you to take the plunge and become a Sustaining Member today at just $5 or $10 a month. It really does make a difference.

So, pardon the pop-up — but we really needed to get your attention. Every single dollar helps. And there’s something in it for you, too — click here to learn about MinnPost’s member benefits. Become a MinnPost Sustaining Member today.

Questions? Please contact Membership and Events Coordinator Ashleigh Swenson at 612-455-6954 or

Become a sustaining member of MinnPost today!

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1 Comment

  1. Name that tune?

    “Thank you for making MinnPost one of your sources for high-quality, local, independent journalism.”

    Well..two out of three ani’t bad!

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