Donate today!If you made a gift to MinnPost in 2013, you have our sincere thanks.

If you’re still thinking about a new or additional gift, please note that our 2013 Year End Campaign continues through tomorrow — Wednesday, January 8.

All gifts received here by 11:59 pm on Jan. 8 will be listed in our 2013 Year End Report. We will combine 2013 donations and acknowledge donors in the appropriate category. We’ll also email a draft of the list within the next few weeks so you can check your records before we post the final version in late January.

A few other notes as we start the new year:

  • Year End Campaign: We’ve received nearly 340 year-end donations so far from our readers, ranging from $10 to $3,000, including new donations, renewals, and additional gifts.
  • New donors: More than 450 people gave for the first time in 2013.
  • Sustainers: We have more than 1,500 sustaining members, including those signed up for automatically recurring donations and loyal supporters who have donated three or more years in a row.
  • Total donors: Our total donor list has passed 4,200.

Your contributions make MinnPost possible. Thanks!

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