Election Day is nearly upon us in Minneapolis and St. Paul, and MinnPost wants to help you make an informed decision at the polls this year. To that end, we’ve collected all our stories about the election below. The links are categorized according to the city and topic, and we also list the original publication date for each story.

Jump to: Minneapolis | St. Paul

Ranked Choice Voting


Minneapolis — Charter Amendments

Minneapolis — Mayor

Minneapolis — City Council

Minneapolis — City Council, Ward 9

Minneapolis — City Council, Ward 10

Minneapolis — Voter Turnout

Minneapolis — Opinion Pieces

St. Paul

St. Paul — Mayor

St. Paul — Rent Control

St. Paul — Opinion Pieces

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  1. This whole debacle leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, and we haven’t even gotten to the election yet.

    After posturing with their outrage over the mayor’s refusal to agree to defund the police, the city council comes up with this flimsy proposal to restructure our city. They had almost a year and a half to craft something that could pull together the people of this city, and amendment 2 is the best they could do? It unnecessarily pits neighbor against neighbor. Who is advocating for the common ground we actually share?

    But if I refuse this lame proposal – and I do – then my other option is to oppose it, and thereby appear to endorse the status quo, which I decidedly do not do. Nor do most people who oppose amendment 2.

    Virtually every citizen of Minneapolis recognizes that there needs to be a fundamental change in policing, especially the terrible historically hostile relationship between police and brown-skinned people. But most of us also understand that, for the short term at least, we need police. Why couldn’t the city council have constructed a clear plan, with the steps that need to be taken, a timeline, etc., that does not immediately entail dropping the police force? You can’t start by eliminating the police and waiting for the kum-ba-ya moment.

    Or would they have us all vote yes on amendment 2 and then arm ourselves for the inevitable?

    I am appalled that the “leaders” of this city are so lacking in vision that they would bring us to this ridiculous choice, which is no choice at all. These people are politically motivated and have been unable to claim any “leadership” skills at all. If they have brought us to this juncture with nothing better to offer, why are any of them running for reelection? Just flush the toilet and be done with it.

    1. Most people who are voting “no” do not support the status quo and a “no” result wont mean the status quo stays.

      That is a false choice put forward by the”yes” campaign. Their whole campaign is completely dishonest. All the nonsense about what this vote will accomplish is all fiction.

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