Fans of satirical weekly newspaper the Onion will recall that Minnesota gets mentioned frequently in the formerly Madison, Wis.-based rag, and this week’s issue is no exception.

In a story in the print edition of the self-proclaimed “America’s Finest News Source” that hit the streets today, U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman takes it on the chin.

(The story, oddly, is not online.)

“Congress Lowers the Drinking Age to 17 Just for Jenny’s Party” reads the headline in a faux-news piece about Congress passing a bill “commonly known as the Jenny’s Turning 17!!! Bill, which will go into effect Friday, Sept. 19, 2008, as soon as Jenny’s parents leave for their weekend trip to Vermont. Until the bill expires on Sunday afternoon, it will be legal for any American aged 17 or older — or 16 if they have a birthday coming up — to consume alcohol within the confines of 128 Longfellow Rd.”

Pretty funny stuff, and after the jump, Norm from St. Paul makes an appearance:

“A proposed rider by Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) to secure invites for himself and two of his friends was defeated in committee.”

And then there’s a pic of Norm and a pull-quote: “It is our duty as Americans to ensure that Jenny’s party is a success.”

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